Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You! – HBII 042418

20180209_081107This week’s blog is about…780 words. For those who read quickly, it won’t take long; for others, it…shouldn’t take long. <PAUSE>

“Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You!” Heard this before? Chances are you may have experienced this once or twice in your life. It isn’t a door-slam in the face. It’s an OPPORTUNITY (AWE-PORT-UNITY): Leaving you with a sense of AWE at the PORT in front of you for UNITY in your life. A convergence leading you a way out of something and into something better.

Some say ‘DCUWCY’ is “sneaky”, but it isn’t sneaky – it’s exactly what you need to hear, though you may not initially think so. Now…if you hear, “We’ll be in touch”, it’s not Ah-nold saying, “I’ll be back.” It’s closer to, “We want you to THINK we’ll contact you, but we won’t.” There is a small chance of follow-up, but don’t count on it. Don’t hesitate – move in to something else, something BETTER.

“Seriously; that is, actually, ah…um, so – literally, look – it’s essentially, erm, basically, uh – completely and totally very simple. Like, uh, really – the thing is, for what it’s worth, obviously…y’know, right?” Do words have meaning? Yes, yes they do.

Any of this sound familiar? It isn’t about liberal democrat or conservative republican. It _IS_ about derision, division – “DO-AS-I-SAY-NOT-AS-I-DO.” Seems to be all around us, surrounding us, sometimes as though it envelopes us in an attempt to bury us. Not to worry. BE PROACTIVE. Be the change you believe in. By joyfully demonstrating what you believe to be TRUTH, shun the naiveté’ and negativity of the whirled (yes, I meant to write that).

None of us fit into a mold, no matter what you’ve heard or what you’ve been told. Corruption & regressivity, hatred & passivity, desire for permanent, personal daycare to provide “safe spaces” for all is not the answer nor is chaos & confusion. Judge actions, not people. Find your niche’ & work from there toward your own open skies…

Wiki: “Open skies: To liberalize industry & create a free-market environment” (in a few words). Do you see how closely we live inside our definitions? A suggestion? Let’s use words to mean what they mean and stop redefining them.

Point being: “Liberal”: states: “…pertaining to…or advocating liberalism, especially freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties”; “favorable to or in accord with concepts of the maximum individual freedom possible…as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties”, “favoring or permitting freedom of action…with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers”, “relating to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies”, “free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant.”

…or “Conservative”: Again “” states: “cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate” and “traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.”, but it seems most now see it as only “disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change” just as most seem to think we can’t favor “progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.” Why limit ourselves to the ideal of an upper case letter “C” or “L” to separate us into two political parties who are unable to work together?

Are you really a liberal or a conservative? Does a definition define you or do you define yourself?

These terms are not mutually exclusive, but are more unified than understood. One can be traditional and cautiously moderate while favoring and advocating freedom of the individual, individual rights and liberties guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties, specifically respecting matters of personal belief or expression free from prejudice or bigotry. One can be tolerant and compassionate while believing in the Constitution of the United States, which in fact supports the above as related to representational gov’t as opposed to fascism (e.g. aristocracies and monarchies).

Isn’t this what those who found the US fought and died for? Why then are we so hung-up on being or labeling each other as “Liberals” or “Conservatives”? Do you sometimes feel as though you’re being MANIPULATED by those terms? Do you listen to others who TELL YOU what they mean and what you’re supposed to do as a “Liberal” or “Conservative”?

Don’t be “puppetized” by talking heads in radio or on TV – think for yourself. Make your own decisions. Find a place where you can agree with your neighbor and engage in calm, respectful discussion. Stop the name-calling – don’t we reprimand children for this behavior? Something to think about…

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